사실, 이 글은 좀 신성모독으로 비춰질 수 있는 관계로 몇번을 망설이다가 그냥
보기에 거북하시다면 말씀해 주세요.... 즉시 삭제합니다. 영어로만 되어 있는 부분은 제가 임의 해석합니다.(빨간색으로 표시) (해석은 하다가 말았습니다...) --------------------------------------옮긴자
Historical artwork and UFOs by Matthew Hurley A.D.
This painting is entitled 'The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin', early 15th century by Lorenzo Monaco. It depicts God in the sky with strange disc shaped clouds underneath. It is held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York '예수님과 마리아의 기도'라는 제목이 붙은 이 그림은 15세기 초 로렌조 모나코라는 화가의 작품이다. 하늘에 계신 신(직역하였습니다.)께서 이상한 디스크 모양의 구름을 타고 계심
<> The above image comes from an ancient eastern text Prajn???ita - Suna. In the enlargement you can see two objects that look like hats, but why are they floating in mid air ? also one of them appears to have port holes on it. Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with 'the speed of the wind' and gave forth a 'melodious sound'. 이 그림은 고대 ???-수나 신화의 일부분으로, 확대하면 두개의 밀집모자 모양의 물체가 보이는데 그중 왼쪽의 물체엔 창문으로 보이는 구멍이 뚫려 있음을 알수 있다.....(이하생략)
These two tapestries were created in the 14th century. Both depict the life of Mary. Hat shaped objects can be clearly seen in both tapestries. The one on the left was created in 1330. The one on the right is entitled 'The Magnificat'. Both are located at the french basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy. 14세기 그려진 두 그림엔 상단에 검정색으로 표현된 모자 모양의 구림이 그려져 있다.(이하생략)
데카니 성당의 그림 코소보의 펙 시 (pec city)에서 남쪽으로 20km 떨어진 강가에 있는 5층짜리의 거대한 돔을 가진 그리스 정교회의 성당인데 세르비아의 왕인 스테판 우로스의 명에 의해 1327년에 세워졌다고 한다. 특별히 볼 것이라고는 없는 성당이지만 유독 몇점의 그림은 우리의 호기심을 끄는데 여기 그 중의 하나를 소개한다.
These two coloured objects are from part of a fresco entitled 'The Crucifixion' (one of the objects can be seen in the center picture) and was painted in 1350. They are located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia
I don't know the titles/artists or where these two are displayed, but I know the one on the left is 15th century ! 제목/작자 미상의 두 그림이 있는데, 왼쪽 그림은 15세기 그려진거라네요.
The above painting is by Paolo Uccello (1396-1475) and is entitled 'La Tebaide' (painted c.1460-1465). The blown up picture on the right shows a red saucer shaped UFO seen near Jesus. It hangs in the Academy of Florence. ...가 그린 그림을 확대해보면, 예수님 옆에 UFO가 보인다.
The above painting is by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called 'The Annunciation with Saint Emidius' (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down onto the crown of Mary's head. A Blow up of the object is next to the painting. ...가 그린 그림에 보면 빛나는 디스크 모양을 한 물체가 마리아의 머리쪽으로 빛을 비추고 있다.
The above is a painting on wood near the castle Conti Dotremond, Belgium. Moses is receiving the tablets and several objects in the sky are seen near by. Date and artist unknown ...모세가 십계명을 받는 모습으로 하늘에 몇개의 물체가 떠있다. 작자 미상.
The above picture depicts Jesus and Mary on what appear to be lenticular clouds. The painting is entitled 'The Miracle of the Snow' and was painted by Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence, Italy. 예수님과 마리아가 렌즈 모양의 구름을 타고 있다.....(이하생략)
More lenticular clouds ! The above images are from 'The legend of the True Cross' (1420) by Piero Della Francesca (1416-1420). Discoidal clouds feature throughout this fresco, of which there are a few examples above. The fresco is located in the San Francesco Church in Arezzo, Italy.
마돈나와 성 조반니 This painting is called 'The Madonna with Saint Giovannino'. It was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) and hangs as part of the Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio. Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section and a man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.
<> 15세기에 그려진 플로렌스 지방의 Palazzo Vecchio에 있는 그림이다. 그림의 오른쪽 위를 보라. 남자 한명과 강아지 한 마리가하늘에 있는 뭔가를 보고 있다! 밑에 확대사진이 있다. 또한 윗그림에 대형 시가형 UFO같은 것이 떠있는게 보이는가...?
This is a sketch of an untitled 15th century Italian fresco from Mount Athos, Greece . It depicts the Apostle John dictating the Biblical book of Revelation to a young disciple. In the upper lefthand corner is a segment of a glowing oval object from which a beam of light is aimed at the head of John. In the upper right hand corner is a typical disk-shaped object which is emitting a converging light beam. Maybe someone has an original of this fresco ?
This is a 15th century fresco from Kiev. Seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device 키에프에 있는 프레스코 벽화로 15세기 그려진 것인데.......아무튼, 그렇다.
This image depicts two mysterious disks in a 16th century print from the book Theatrum Orbis Terrarum by Abraham Ortelis.
The above image is of an actual sighting that occurred in Nuremburg on the 14th April 1561. It appeared in a local broadsheet and was a woodcut by Hans Glasser. The globes, crosses and tubes began to fight one another, and this went on for an hour. Then they all fell to earth, as if on fire, and faded slowly away producing a lot of steam. Afterwards a black spear-like object was seen, and the whole event was taken to be a divine warning. Held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library. 위의 그림은 1561년 4월 14일 뉘른베르그(독일의 남부도시)에서 일어난 실제적인 목격 사례입니다. 이것은 한쪽면으로 인쇄된 대판지의 일부분이며 Hans Glasser 의 목판화 작품입니다. 취히리(스위스 북부의 주) 중앙 도서관에 있었던 것입니다.
This is a French medal apparently commemorating a UFO sighting of a wheel like object in 1680. Artist/location unknown.
This is a 17th century fresco and is located in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia. Notice the two saucer shaped objects either side of Christ. In the two blow ups you can see they contain faces.
More wheels ! This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany 4 November 1697. The objects were described as 'two glowing wheels'
This image is by flemish artist Aert De Gelder and is entitled 'The Baptism of Christ' It was painted in 1710 and hangs in the Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge. A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
This is a drawing from a book of the great french writer, Voltaire (1684-1778), named 'Microm?as', a philosophical novel (1752), (dealing among other things with new worlds.) 이것은 프랑스의 저명한 저술가인 볼테르(Voltaire,1684-1778) 의 철학적인 소설 Microm?as(1752)-(책이름 해석안됨) 에서 나온 그림입니다.
The above illustration depicts a sighting that occurred at 9.45pm on the evening of 18th August 1783 when four witnesses on the terrace of Windsor Castle observed a luminous object in the skies of the Home Counties of England. The sighting was recorded the following year in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. According to this report, witnesses observed an oblong cloud moving more or less parallel to the horizon. Under this cloud could be seen a luminous object which soon became spherical, brilliantly lit, which came to a halt; This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour but then its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east. Then the object changed direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the south-east ; the light it gave out was prodigious; it lit us everything on the ground.; The image was captured in this by Thomas Sandby (a founder of the Royal Academy) and his brother Paul, both of whom witnessed the event.
(교황청에서 외계인 존재한다고 발표) |
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