

라엘리안 예스 2006. 12. 24. 14:06

[본문스크랩] 구글홈페이지 검색에 ufo 쳐보세요. | ufo,동영상 포스트 삭제 2006/12/04 21:51
출처 블로그 > 우주인(엘로힘)의 메시지
원본 http://blog.naver.com/africa8482/10008597261

Home video of a disc over China
18 sec - Aug 28, 2006
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall empty star (840 ratings)

UFO seen over Guatemala City in 2004, over the cultural disctrit 4° Norte, it was cloudy, and the ufo seem to appear from the clouds and shoots to the ...
Kassandra Pereira - 9 sec - Oct 19, 2005
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall empty star (161 ratings)

wtc ufo
n/a - 1 min - Jan 21, 2006
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall half star (285 ratings)

a ufo crash
YAZ - 17 sec - Sep 9, 2005
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall empty star (357 ratings)

Recent 2005 UFO footage
ufotheatre.com - 51 sec - Jul 23, 2005
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall empty star (157 ratings)

Free Energy from Aliens is here = main reason why UFO is top secret: Humans came from Lyra and Pleiadees, lived on Mars and Malona, blew up the latter ...
www.BurlingtonNews.net - 1 hr 56 min - Jun 9, 2006
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full star (209 ratings)

UFO - OVNI - Video - Bulgaria
http://personales.ya.com/contactoglobal/ - 19 sec - May 28, 2006
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall empty star (141 ratings)

Humans came from Lyra and Pleiadees, lived on Mars and Malona, blew up the latter and moved to Earth. Much more here: http://www.myspace.com/dalibor777  ...
http://www.myspace.com/dalibor777 - 1 hr 29 min - Apr 20, 2006
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full star (212 ratings)

... film shot on video tape in Ostrov Viner-Neyshtadt (Siberia) of a crashed UFO (or, flying saucer) and humanoid person found in the ice.
Polarneft - 1 min - Oct 15, 2005
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall half starsmall empty star (159 ratings)

There are here to help us!
www.IrishUfology.net - 44 min - Apr 8, 2006
small full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall full starsmall half star (308 ratings)

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