라엘싸이언스 327

[스크랩] (브리짓 코멘트)자제심 활동을 하는 두뇌부위가 밝혀지다.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Raelian Movement for those who are not afraid of the future : http://www.rael.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brigitte's comment: One more confirmation of what Rael has taught us years ago: the location of our decision making center is just above the eyes, in the middle of the prefrontal co..

라엘싸이언스 2007.09.04

[스크랩] (라엘코멘트) 지진으로 붕괴된 성당잔해 속에서 아이를 구출하다.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Raelian Movement for those who are not afraid of the future : http://www.rael.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rael's comment: if there was a god, all people seeking refuges in churches would be saved during earthquakes... Population around the world should be educated that churches are the ..

라엘싸이언스 2007.09.01

[스크랩] (라엘코멘트)어린이들이 말더듬 비밀실험에 이용되다

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Raelian Movement for those who are not afraid of the future : http://www.rael.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rael's comment: this was not nazi Germany but USA !!! 라엘 코멘트: 이것은 나치 독일이 아니라 미국이다!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..

라엘싸이언스 2007.08.25

[스크랩] (라엘코멘트)짐바브웨의 상황이 과장되어 있다.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Raelian Movement for those who are not afraid of the future : http://www.rael.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rael's comment: the truth about western colonialists and imperialists propaganda 라엘 코멘트: 서구 식민지주의자들과 제국주의자들의 프로파간다에 대한 ..

라엘싸이언스 2007.08.25

[스크랩] (라엘코멘트)아파르트헤이드 시절 치안부장관이 독살음모를 인정

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Raelian Movement for those who are not afraid of the future : http://www.rael.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rael's comment: it would be interesting to know from which country and which secret service came the poison added to the underpants ... 라엘 코멘트: 속바지에 넣는 독약..

라엘싸이언스 2007.08.24